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2017 FinTech Risks and Opportunities: An Interdisciplinary Approach Conference
Venmo. Square. RobinHood. Apple Pay. Credit Karma. Even if you don't know blockchain from bitcoin, you're probably using financial technology ("FinTech") right now. FinTech has evolved rapidly and has changed not only how financial products are delivered but who delivers them.

How can regulators and market participants balance the benefits of FinTech against potential risks? The CFLP's third financial stability conference, co-hosted with the U.S. Office of Financial Research, explored how private sector innovators, researchers, and policymakers can harness the upside potential of financial innovation while reducing the downside risks.
Download the program, courtesy of the University of Michigan Law School Scholarship Repository.
Conference videos - Day 1
FinTech Risks & Opportunities (Day 1): Richard Berner opening remarks and welcoming of Gillian Tett Nov 17, 2017
FinTech Risks & Opportunities (Day 1): Gillian Tett keynote address Nov 16, 2017
FinTech Risks & Opportunities (Day 1): Panel 1 - The Contours of Entity-Based Regulation of Innovation with Amiyatosh Purnanandam, Amy Friend, Brian Knight, & Richard Neiman Nov 17, 2017
FinTech Risks & Opportunities (Day 1): Panel 2 - Market Innovations with Michael Wellman, John Ramsay, Supurna VedBrat & Yesha Yadav Nov 17, 2017
FinTech Risks & Opportunities (Day 1): Panel 3 - Systemic Risk: Problems and Solutions with Mark Flood, Adair Morse, Mark Newman, & Jared Sawyer Nov 17, 2017
FinTech Risks & Opportunities (Day 1): Lael Brainard keynote address Nov 16, 2017
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Conference videos - Day 2
FinTech Risks & Opportunities (Day 2): Welcome and Reconvene with Martin A. Philbert Nov 17, 2017
FinTech Risks & Opportunities (Day 2): Panel 4 - Financial Inclusion with Michael Barr, Pawan Bakhshi, Kay McGowan, Joshua Sledge, & Luz Urrutia Nov 17, 2017
FinTech Risks & Opportunities (Day 2): Panel 5- RegTech: How Can Regulators Be Part of the Solution? Elizabeth Jacobs, Melissa Koide, Moira Vahey, & Haimera Workie Nov 17, 2017
FinTech Risks & Opportunities (Day 2): Panel 6 - Innovation and Regulation Trade-offs with Matthew Reed, Amar Bhidé, Christopher Brummer, & Oliver Goodenough Nov 17, 2017
FinTech Risks & Opportunities (Day 2): Closing Remarks with Richard Berner (Day 2) Nov 17, 2017
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