Jeremy Kress
Jeremy Kress is an Assistant Professor of Business Law at Michigan Ross and co-faculty director of the University of Michigan’s Center on Finance, Law & Policy. Previously, Kress was an attorney in the banking regulation and policy group at the Federal Reserve Board of Governors in Washington, D.C. In that capacity, Kress drafted rules to implement provisions of the Dodd-Frank Act and Basel III, including enhanced risk-management standards for systemically important financial institutions. Kress also advised the Board on the legal permissibility of bank mergers and acquisitions, with a focus on institutions subject to regulatory consent orders and transactions that affect financial stability.
Kress is also a lecturer in the at University of Michigan’s Law School, where he co-taught Financial Regulation with Prof. Barr. He served as assistant executive director of the Center on Finance, Law, and Policy from 2015 to 2016.www.michiganross.umich.edu
Kress graduated cum laude from Harvard Law School and from the Harvard Kennedy School, where he was a Presidential Scholar. Kress holds a BBA from U-M’s Ross School of Business. Kress clerked for the Hon. Matthew Leitman of the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Michigan. His written work has appeared in the Harvard Journal on Legislation, Bloomberg Corporate Law Journal, and Administrative Science Quarterly.