Jared Sawyer
Jared Sawyer Is Widely Regarded As A Financial Services Policy Expert On Issues Related To Prudential Banking Regulation, Consumer Financial Protection, Insurance, Cybersecurity, And Fintech.
Prior to joining RFA, he was the Deputy Assistant Secretary for Financial Institutions Policy at the U.S. Department of Treasury. At Treasury, he managed and directed the operations of the Office of Financial Institutions, the Federal Insurance Office, and the Office of Critical Infrastructure Protection. He served on the leadership team for Treasury’s public policy reports and served as a senior member of Treasury’s housing finance working group. Further, he was the project and policy lead in the drafting and publication of the 2017 Treasury Executive Order Report on Asset Management and Insurance and led Treasury’s work to complete and sign the U.S. – E.U. Covered Agreement for Insurance and Reinsurance.
Before joining Treasury, Jared served in senior policy roles on the Senate Banking Committee and House Financial Services Committee. At the Senate Banking Committee, he served Chairman Mike Crapo (R-ID) on two separate occasions as counsel and senior counsel managing an issues portfolio of prudential regulation, consumer credit, and FinTech. In the House, he managed and directed the operations of the Subcommittee on Financial Institutions and Consumer Credit as former Chairman Randy Neugebauer’s (R-TX) designee and lead policy advisor.
Prior to government service, Jared worked for Citigroup as Vice President, Legislative Analyst for Citi’s government affairs team based in Washington, D.C. There he focused his work on state legislatures, state attorneys general, and governors.
Professional affiliations
U.S. Treasury Department