
Michael S. Barr

Showing 31 - 39 of 39 results
Big Data in Finance

Highlights from the Big Data in Finance Conference

October 28, 2016
Michael S. Barr, Brian Koziara, Alfred Hero, H.V. Jagadish
How can financial data be made more accessible and more secure, as well as more useful to regulators, market participants, and the public? As new data sets are created, opportunities emerge. Vast quantities of financial data may help identify...
Working Paper

Too LIBOR, Too Late: Time to Move to a Market Rate

July 21, 2015
Michael S. Barr
Barclays has been fined, the British have issued their report, and now the market is anxious for everything to go on as usual with the London Interbank Offer Rate (“LIBOR”). I think that would be a serious mistake. The U.S. and British...
Systemic Risk & Market Integrity

Algorithmic market manipulation

March 2018
Michael Wellman, Uday Rajan, Gabriel Rauterberg, Michael S. Barr, Xintong Wang, Megan Shearer
By combining finance, machine learning, and computational game theory with law and policy, University of Michigan faculty from the College of Engineering, the Ross School of Business, the Law School, and the Ford School of Public Policy are building new models for thinking about and detecting spoofing and other...
Financial Inclusion

Central Bank of the Future

December 2018 - June 2021
Michael S. Barr, Adrienne A. Harris
In partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, this project explores the mandate and design of central banks to consider whether they might play an even stronger role in promoting financial inclusion, financial health, and a more inclusive...